
The Story of The First Gold Mine

The story of the first gold mine dates back to ancient times, and it is a tale that has been shrouded in mystery and legend.

While the exact details of the first gold mine are not known with certainty, historians and archaeologists have pieced together a general understanding of how the first gold mining operations might have taken place.

One of the earliest records of gold mining dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who began mining for gold as early as 2600 BC.

They were likely mining for gold in the Eastern Desert region of Egypt, using simple techniques such as panning and sluicing to extract the precious metal from riverbeds and streams.



What to know About Tourmaline Paraiba

Tourmaline Paraiba is a rare and highly valuable gemstone that is known for its unique neon-blue or greenish-blue color. The story of its discovery in St. Jose da Batalha, a small town in the Brazilian state of Paraiba, is a fascinating one.

In the late 1980s, a local miner named Heitor Dimas Barbosa was working in a remote area near the town of Sao Jose da Batalha when he came across some unusual blue-green stones.

Intrigued by their color, he sent them to a gemologist in Sao Paulo, who identified them as a type of tourmaline that had never been seen before.